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What is Gua Sha ? Why It Might be Good For You

Gua Sha at the Hatfield Practice. Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupuncture, Gua Sha, Chinese cupping

“Gua” means scrape, and “Sha” means sand. Gua Sha is a hands-on treatment that carefully scrapes a flat piece of jade, metal or rose quartz over specific body areas. Gua Sha works effectively on bone pain and connective tissue such as fascia and stiff muscles. The treatment uses a unique style of massage that applies […]

Short History of Massage Therapy

who we treat, Adults at the Hatfield Practice

There is a long documented History of Massage that spans  5,000 Years. massage can help fight stress, help you sleep, fight fatigue, lower blood pressure and ease away aches and pains. Massage therapy is a traditional part of a holistic system of healing. The history of massage therapy dates back to 3000 BCE (or earlier) in India, […]

Sciatica -The Hatfield Practice

Back pain explained

The Hatfield Practice has provided solutions for back pain and sciatica since 1988. The Practice aims to provide you with professional,  effective and affordable treatments. Please feel free to give us a call on Hatfield 01707 888229 and we will do our best to help you today. The term “Sciatica” is derived from the nerves […]

Recent charity events

On a sunny Sunday afternoon at Stanborough Lakes, the Hatfield Practice team were out in the community working hard to help the Willows foundation charity cycle ride. The event hosted over 600 cyclists and provided a welcoming end of ride welcome. Special guests included ex international and Arsenal professional goalkeepers Bob Wilson and David Seaman! […]

Quick fix for headaches at the Hatfield Practice

Hatfield Headaches

HEADACHE SPECIALIST: At the Hatfield Practice we often come across different types of headache pain. It is suggested that over 80% of us will endure aggressive headaches over our lifetimes. A tension headache often presents as a dull, non-throbbing head  pain, often on both sides of the head. Migraines are more severe and pain can increase […]

Hydration – What does it mean to you?

Water advice from The Hatfield Practice

Hydration is the process of replacing water in the body. Water is life, an incredible miracle that keeps us alive. Even today science does not understand everything about its magical chemistry and quirky behaviours. Furthermore, we all probably know that water is the best natural cleanser. Water is the effective way of helping the body […]

Back pain at the Hatfield Practice

As many of us have experienced, back pain can play a major negative effect in our daily lives. It can remove time away from employment, interfere with a healthy balanced lifestyle and can influence physical or psychological stress. The Science part Your spine consists of a large number of ligaments and muscles that provide support as it stretches […]

Physiotherapy and Pregnancy

Hatfield practice Reflexology

Physiotherapy and Pregnancy – How Physiotherapy Helps During pregnancy, your body will go through a huge amount of change. Your spine, pelvis, ligaments and muscles change dramatically to accommodate a growing fetus.  These changes can place additional pressure on the joints and muscles of your spine and pelvis. Pregnancy speeds up postural changes, and the […]

£5.00 OFF for you & Friends ?

    £5.00 OFF For you and your Friends ?       A crispy £5.00 OFF  for each person when you refer a friend for treatment at the Welwyn & Hatfield Practice .  The Welwyn & Hatfield Practice is  run by husband and wife team Ian and Helen Norman. They have been involved in health care for over 30 years. We […]

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