Hydration – What does it mean to you?

Water advice from The Hatfield Practice

Hydration is the process of replacing water in the body. Water is life, an incredible miracle that keeps us alive. Even today science does not understand everything about its magical chemistry and quirky behaviours. Furthermore, we all probably know that water is the best natural cleanser. Water is the effective way of helping the body to remove waste products and staying healthy. Many people are still chronically dehydrated and dont drink enough. Around the globe, much of the world has a shortage of water, and without water, without it, there would be no life on earth. Roughly 70 % of an adult’s body is made up of just water. When we are born, even more, 80 % of babies body weight is just water. In general, a healthy person can drink about 2-3 litres of water a day although drinking too much water too quickly can lead to water intoxication and in some extreme cases death.

Water is required to process natural functions

  • Water is essential for eating and to prepare for digestion and refreshes your kidneys
  • Fluid helps transport and aids absorption of vitamins and minerals in the body
  • Without water, there would be no circulation of blood and fluids for life and bodily repair. Just dust.
  • H2O drives the creation of saliva to aid digestion
  • Transportation of nutrients in and out of muscles, nerves and cells
  • Water helps with the maintenance of body temperature. 
  • Water helps developing  babies to stay safe and warm in the womb
Love water at the Hatfield Practice
Love water at the Hatfield Practice


Water helps Weight Loss

Many believe drinking lots of water can be a solution for weight-loss. While unfortunately, it does not extract the weight from us. Substituting water for beverages that contain a high-calorie content and sugar levels certainly helps. Did you know consuming 150 fewer calories a day over 36 months could reduce your weight by 14kg? Water is a delicious and calorie free option, available at just at a turn of your tap and without spending on expensive, unhealthy fizzy drinks


Drinking water burns calories

Water can influence a faster resting metabolism by up to 50 calories per day. In general, it’s important to remember that your diet habits help us consume water. Foods containing water-rich foods like fruits, vegetables, soups and beans are full of water. Some foods also require more chewing, absorbed slower by the body and help you to feel fuller for longer. Because your loses water through breathing, sweating, and digestion, it’s important to rehydrate by drinking fluids and eating foods that contain water

your diet habits help us consume water. Foods containing water-rich foods like fruits, vegetables, soups and beans are full of water.
Water-rich foods


Hydration could mean healthy skin

Drinking plenty of water is a great way to help your body to lock in moisture and for the appearance-conscious can often reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. The bodies internal cellular functions work with water to remove toxin and waste products thereby cleansing our inner self.  The human body is made up of around 60- 70 % of water. Replenishing water levels help the skin feel hydrated.

Good hydration levels have been shown to reduce low back pain, injuries when training hard. Please ask your Hatfield Practice Osteopath, Physiotherapist or Sports massage therapist for details and advice.
Hydration reduces injury


Live longer and feel energised for free

Many people will find a significant cause of fatigue, headaches or tiredness is dehydration, and it’s as simple as that. Furthermore by ensuring adequate hydration throughout the day mean longer spells of alertness, helping you to maintain a clear mind and achieve higher levels of concentration. In the meantime fluids keep energy-fueling nutrients flowing throughout the blood and will leave you with higher energy levels. Good hydration levels have been shown to reduce low back pain, injuries when training hard. Please ask your Hatfield Practice Osteopath, Physiotherapist or Sports massage therapist for details and advice.


high energy levels

Tips for drinking more water 

  • Carry a bottle – A bottle on  the desk or nearby can often help to remind us to refill and drink a bit more
  • Add flavour – Adding a slice of fruit or cucumber can often alter the taste slightly. also great for the complexion
  • Make it part of your night out! – In between boozy alcoholic beverages maybe drink a small cup of water to maintain hydration levels
  • Reminders – Alarms or reminders keep the glass or bottle getting topped up!
  • Drink after dinner – Make it a routine to consume water before after meals, this can aid digestion and make you feel full-up for longer

Drinking water makes Maisie happy! 🙂 

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