The receptionist will ask you to complete a registration form.
When you arrive for your first appointment, your Hatfield Physiotherapist will take a detailed case history asking how the problem started, your symptoms and any relevant past medical history. They will then carry out a physical examination to discover the origin and extent of your current problem. Your Physiotherapist will give a full explanation of your problem, together with an outline of the appropriate treatment, rehabilitation. If possible, an estimate of the number of treatments you may require.
Treatment will begin at your first visit. Following the first assessment/treatment session, your Physiotherapist will often give you a regime of rehabilitation exercises to continue at home.
You do not need to make any special preparations for your first visit, other than wear clothing that you feel comfortable in and allow easy exposure of the area to be examined and treated. If there are any worries, please ask as we want your experience to be a pleasant one.