Hatfield Practice has been practising Acupuncture for pregnancy and childbirth since 1988, improving couples’ natural conception chances. Acupuncture for fertility can help couples physically and emotionally progress towards a successful pregnancy and birth. It can be used alongside IVF and can be practised safely during pregnancy and after birth. Fertility acupuncture treatment is a calming and natural support for couples and individuals who are looking to conceive and can help with physical aspects, such as encouraging blood flow to the uterus and ovaries.
Hatfield Practice provides treatments to prepare you and your body for pregnancy and childbirth. The practice also offers postnatal support treatments. Acupuncture may help to optimise both male and female reproductive systems, establishing hormonal balance and calming the nervous system. Acupuncture can improve female fertility and the effects of stress hormones by reducing the negative impact of stress on the nervous system, thereby helping the natural healthy balance of fertility hormones.
Stress can disrupt the hypothalamic-pituitary axis for male and female partners, causing hormonal imbalances that negatively impact fertility. Acupuncture also helps increase blood flow to the ovaries, enhancing the environment for developing follicles and improving the condition and thickness of the uterus’s endometrial lining.
Male fertility problems often fall into three categories: low sperm count, reduced motility and poor morphology. Blockage of sperm pathways and damage to the sperm from high heat or generalised infection may play a part. Because sperm takes three months to mature, treatment should start before the ideal conception time.
Established in 1988, we have years of experience in fertility and pregnancy acupuncture. Practitioners provide personal, supportive streams of communication and support throughout your treatment. Practitioners can be contacted out of hours for advice and support through text messages. We do our utmost to add a personal touch by getting to know you.
We understand that staying in contact and encouraging during stressful periods is essential. We are there 100% for you all the way. We believe that acupuncture works best when part of a combined medical and complementary approach. It is worth mentioning that there are many reasons for all the babies and success stories we have had at the Hatfield Practice. In brief, our dynamic, personable approach, attention to detail, and combining medical science with acupuncture contribute to our success levels.
At the Hatfield Practice, you can expect the best possible experience. The first fertility treatment will take around an hour and involve a complete and detailed consultation. The consultation is essential as it will help us understand your needs clearly.
Discussing your main concerns and assessing your overall medical / health history is crucial. The acupuncturist will formulate a treatment plan based on your information and share everything personally with you. Each fertility Acupuncture treatment is unique and tailored to your body’s needs.
Before your first fertility acupuncture consultation, it is important that you bring all your medical / fertility history information, such as any medication supplements you are taking.
It’s also vital to bring along any recent test results. After the consultation and acupuncture treatment, there will always be time for further questions.
In our experience, it’s best to wear loose clothing for your treatment. It’s also advisable to avoid eating a large meal or drinking alcohol or strong coffee before treatment. As always, we will do our best to make you feel at home and support you as much as needed. Leave the worry with us.
Hatfield Practice uses particularly gentle acupuncture techniques for fertility treatments. The practitioner will use fine, single-use, pre-sterilised needles to treat specific acupuncture points around your body. The points used are not always close to where you would expect. Treatments are sensitively considered; most people find Acupuncture relaxing, often fall asleep, and feel very calm after a treatment.
Acupuncture primarily stimulates the release of endorphins and serotonin, naturally produced chemicals that rebalance and relax the nervous system. Traditional Chinese Acupuncture is a highly skilled profession that takes three to four years to train and many years to perfect. It is an entirely natural approach to health and provides effective treatment, especially fertility.
Our treatment style is personal, sensitive, and professional. Hatfield Practice treatments for fertility are effective, gentle, and friendly. We advise you not to get too stressed or serious. Our practitioners are with you all the way, and you may even have fun while trying to get healthier for your baby. You may be encouraged to set small goals and reward yourself when you reach them.
Recent research suggests that Acupuncture helps your body wind down and relax by stimulating stress-busting endorphins and physiologically improving blood supply to the reproductive system.
We will provide you with Basal body temperature charts and thermometers to determine when you will most likely conceive. Conception is dependent on age, genetics, medical history and, of course, lifestyle. You have the best chance of conception, potentially problem-free pregnancy, and a healthy baby if you follow a few simple guidelines that we will provide.
Does age matter? Yes, that is the simple answer, although we will do our very best to increase your odds of conception. Our fertility treatments have been enormously successful over the years. Chances at all ages are influenced if the man has a low sperm count, poor sperm morphology, or low motility. All can be scientifically examined and tested.
Pregnancy depends on many factors, and the Hatfield Practice fertility consultation will help you explore your needs. If you wish to speak to Helen personally, contact us on 01707 888229.
We also provide induction-style acupuncture treatments to help prepare you and your body for birth. The Hatfield Practice is set up for postnatal support and treatments such as pregnancy massage and Pregnancy Physiotherapy.
A great safe place to have a pregnancy treatment, very friendly team, a good understanding of the issues and appropriate treatment to resolve.
We have been trying to have a baby for years. A friend suggested the fertility clinic and the Welwyn and Hatfield Practice. By using a combination of acupuncture and IVF, we succeeded. Just don’t leave it to chance. We now have beautiful, much-loved twin boys.
Helen and the Hatfield Practice team are simply brilliant.