Out of hours appointments

Hatfield Practice out of hours appointments provides fast access to treatment if you are in pain or need advice. Hatfield Practice has over 30 years of experience managing pain, acute inflammation and spinal swelling. For Out of hours appointments, call our Emergency number on 07590924266.

Alternatively, call the front of house team during practice hours. There is always someone to help and provide clear, honest advice. Call us on 01707 888229. Be assured that you are safe in our hands, and we may be able to arrange an appointment for you on the day.

Hatfield Practice provides effective, gentle pain-relieving treatments. Rapid treatment access helps the body heal fast and reduces pain and inflammation. Research has shown that having treatment within the first 48hrs after an injury helps reduce pain and healing times.

Click here for directions—free parking right outside the Hatfield Practice. Please let us know beforehand if you need help, and we will be outside to help you.

out of hours appointments advice and treatment at the Hatfield Practice

In pain? What should I do?

  • Call Hatfield Practice pain advice line on 01707 888229 for advice.
  • Out of hours appointments?  Emergency number: 075 909 242 66.
  • Our team will be able to provide you with clear, no-nonsense advice over the phone. 
  • Call us its free we can help. Phone calls help lower stress levels.
  • If your pain is severe, we may be able to provide you with an appointment today.

What should I do next?

  • Maybe try to arrange a lift from family and friends. Driving in pain is not pleasant and could put you at risk.
  • Perhaps use a local taxi service to Hatfield Practice.
  • Here is another link for Directions to Hatfield Practice
  • Please take your time. It sometimes really helps to take painkillers if advised.
  • Use hot or cold in the area. Wear loose clothing if it helps.

Emergency problems

Over an average month, the Hatfield Practice treats many patients who are in a great deal of pain. Most People feel better immediately or after a couple of days after treatment. Our out of hours appointments or advice is there for you if needed.

Occasionally disc injuries can cause incontinence or bladder problems. These symptoms may present as numbness when wiping the bottom (Saddle Anaesthesia). Back pain with bladder or bowel function, with loss of bladder function or numbness, could be a herniated disc pushing on nerves.

If this is the case, these symptoms should be treated and evaluated immediately at your A&E STRAIGHT AWAY. Don’t leave it or “wait and see “. The bowel and bladder nerves can become permanently damaged, leading to incontinence. Please call us if you are concerned or want advice on 075 909 242 66.

sport injury

What our clients say

Very friendly and honest, have fixed my lower back pain after a previous physiotherapist just insisted on lots of expensive treatments that didn’t help. Highly recommended. Thank you. Stefan

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