Past and Present Anger….. is it your Liver or Gallbladder ?

Past and Present Anger..... is it your Liver or Gallbladder ?

Emotions and your Liver and Gallbladder?

Past and present emotional, physical and dietary habits may make you feel unwell and tired. Worse still, pain, bloating and discomfort after eating certain foods. It is shocking that every year, more than half a million people in the United Kingdom and the United States have their gallbladder removed because of gallstones.

A person with gallstones does not necessarily have dramatic symptoms. Common foods “known” to cause around 93% of all Gallbladder Attacks are often eggs, cooked cheese, onions, pork, coffee and fried foods cooked with saturated fats (animal fats). 

Possible symptoms of a malfunctioning liver or stones in the gallbladder:

  • Headaches, the rush of heat and feeling cold or damp
  • Anger, lack of drive, impatience and fatigue
  • Sleep disorders and dizziness, Bad taste in the mouth,
  • vomiting of bile, pain under the right rib (flank)
  • Insomnia and nightmares Hot and cold flushes
  • Aggravation, negative attitude, low energy, weak memory,
  • hypo or hyperthyroidism
  • Fluctuating body weight
  • weak eyesight and skin problems, Thinning of hair,
  • hormonal imbalance-infertility,
  • Low sex drives The formation of gallstones (or kidney stones) occurs gradually.


Gallbladder symptoms after eating

Are you always angry? Is it your liver or gall bladder?

Eating in a rush or when you are emotional, under stress or angry may also lead to ~ bile duct spasms and liver-gallbladder problems.
People with food allergies live with an elevated risk of chronic swelling of the bile duct with liver congestion. Women are four times more likely to have gallstones than men are. Estrogen replacement therapy and birth control pills commonly contribute to the problem because, in Chinese Medicine, they “weaken” the liver and gallbladder.

The gallbladder is a reservoir for bile produced in small amounts by the liver. Without the gallbladder, the liver’s bile production is too slow for proper digestion and absorption of fat. Bile is also a lubricant for the bowels and an anti-carcinogen. Lack of adequate supply of bile leads to constipation and other bowel disturbances. People without a gallbladder have a higher risk of imbalances in the bowel. Accumulated bile becomes congested in the liver, weakens liver function, and may even lead to depression. Reduced bile flow may often stress the spleen and pancreas. 

The most common treatment for gallbladder stones is surgery. However, removing the gallbladder does not guarantee the absence of gallstones. There still might be remaining stones in the liver. The U.S. National Institute of Health reported the following information regarding surgery: 10-15% of patients come out of the surgery with problems. Bile stones often remain in the bile ducts with the risks of Bile duct injury if the stones move. Lost gallstones have occasionally ended up in the peritoneal cavity. They may cause abdominal adhesions and possibly the physical symptoms of a malfunctioning liver and gallstones developing within the liver itself.

Steps To Avoid or Reverse Gallbladder Problems:

Foods to Potentially Avoid

  • All animal fats (pork, beef, lard & butter),
  • dairy products such as whole milk and hard and soft cheeses
  • Fried foods (fish & chips),
  • anything from a frying pan,
  • sausage, smoked fish or meats and fast foods. Hydrogenated oils and fats such as margarine and mayonnaise
  • Stimulants such as coffee, black tea, sweets,
  • alcohol — in particular, hard liquors, spirits and cocktails
  • Refined carbohydrates — white bread, rice cakes and pastries
  • Eggs, corn, beans and nuts
  • Address and clear up food allergies.
  • Avoid a mono-food diet.


Recommended Foods

  • Steamed vegetables in season,
  • baked potatoes,
  • long and short-grain brown
  • Sprouted seeds / Grains: soaked, sprouted
  • Fresh fruits and vegetable juices
  • Poached fish Low-fat Kefir,
  • yoghurt and cottage cheese
  • Apple butter instead of jam
  • Apple cider vinegar


Treatments  and Options

Enjoy Choosing a Wide Variety Of Foods

Never eat one particular food for three consecutive days in a row. Use your intuition and listen to your body. Enjoy your food, and do not feel guilty if the menu is not up to par. Perhaps take your time and eat in peace. Digestion is much better when you eat your meal in friendly surroundings and the presence of good company. Dress up for the occasion. Eating delicious food is a blessing worth appreciating and celebrating; many holistic therapies, such as Acupuncture and natural remedies, help remove gallstones. Gold Coin Grass (tincture) is well known in Chinese medicine to crush and soften gallstones. Always remember walking, exercise, diet, sleep, and healthy emotional states are the keys to long-term health. It is advised to take this tincture in preparation for a liver and gallbladder flush (this procedure should be done under the guidance of an Acupuncturist or professional health care practitioner). Curcuma with Burplurum is an excellent supporting remedy to be taken at night.

These herbs increase the blood and energy flow in the liver, stimulate the gallbladder to produce bile, calm the nerves, and induce a deeper sleep. Bupleurum is a significant Chinese Acupuncture Chi regulator of calmative herbs that help regulate mood swings.

For over 2000 years, herbs have been used in Chinese medicine to treat hepatitis and liver disorders. Acupuncture and Chinese herbs also ‘dredge out’ old emotions, sadness and anger that may have been stored in the body’s organs and tissues. Every liver-gallbladder stone removal protocol must include a parasite cleanse. Parasites love the environment inside the gallbladder and may also reside inside the gallstones. Inside the parasites are bacteria and viruses. Furthermore, parasites in the gallbladder may cause chronic allergies, infection, depression, mental fog, and disturbance of sugar metabolism, manifesting as diabetes.

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