We have provided professional massage in Hatfield since the 1990s. In general massage treatments at the Hatfield Practice tend to be popular. Our patient reviews suggest that massage can be a long-lasting, cost-effective way to reduce pain or relax. Amazingly worldwide there are over 50 ways to massage, so with many lovely options where do you start? Choice of massage is 100% up to you, although Hatfield Practice is pleased to provide you with advice. A good massage can often provide you with just what you need. Our gentle styles of massage can help you relax, become pain-free and de-stress. Intensive, firmer massage treatments like deep soft tissue, sports or medical massage treatments and work deeper into muscles and fascia.
Our massages are performed at The Hatfield Practice in a safe, warm, relaxing environment. The Massage Practice has over 32 years of experience in healthcare. Massage has always been an essential part of our Hatfield Practice treatment structure. Patients return year after year to relax and loosen up. In passing, most of our patients arrive after being recommendations by friends and family. For straightforward advice or any questions you may have on massage treatments in Hatfield – call reception 01707 888229
Massage with an Osteopath or Physiotherapist
Massage by Osteopaths or Physiotherapists has become very popular. Often a deep tissue / Sports style of massage by the Osteopath or physiotherapist included in our list of available treatments. Treatment is a straightforward mixture of Osteopathy or Physiotherapy with Sports massage. The combination treatments complementing our other therapies and continuing our tradition of providing patients with professional flexibility and choice. This type of therapy is often quite a unique experience as it combines neuromuscular release techniques and manipulation if required. We all want to feel better!
Our specialist massages in Hatfield include:
- Combination massage Osteopathic treatment with deep tissue massage. This style feels like a whole body workout.
- Osteopathic massage deep tissue, firm and on another level. Very effective
- Physiotherapy massage sports massage by a fully trained physiotherapist
- Sports massage Effective and firm from one of our experienced, professionals
- Deep tissue massage a more in-depth rhythmic style of firm soft tissue treatment.
- Holistic treatments & massages hot stone treatments, reflexology aromatherapy or Indian head massage
Massage helps you feel at ease with your body.
Professional massage in Hatfield is popular and effective. The Hatfield Practice provides a wide variety of massage choices. From a firmer style of deep tissue massage through to the holistic, relaxing Hot Stone treatment with aromatherapy oils. Furthermore, massage helps you feel at ease with your body so that it works like new again. Our gentle styles of massage help you to relax, be pain-free and de-stress. The firmer, intense deeper treatments like deep soft tissue, sports or medical massage are on another level and work deeper into muscles and fascia. It’s 100% up to you we are on hand for advice and ideas. In the way of treatments and massage, we can provide you with just what you need. Our practitioners are experienced and professionally trained. The Hatfield Practice is a safe, warm, relaxing environment. The Massage Practice has over 30 years of experience in providing patients healthcare. Massage has always been an essential part of our Hatfield treatment structure. Patients return for massage year after year. Of the new patients that attend, most are on recommendations from friends and family.

Practising massage in Hatfield since the 1990s.
Your Professional massage in Hatfield treatment starts at our reception with a warm welcome and refreshment if required. You may be asked for details and a short medical questionnaire once the treatment begins with a medical-style case history. The treatment will be considered alongside your medical details. Sports massage treatments involve invigorating deep soft tissue massage. Hatfield Massage treatments work with specific muscle groups and reinvigorate the body and relax nerve pathways. Sports massage has many documented benefits. Massage tends to release muscular reflexes and tissue shortening ( stiffness) that can lead to uncomfortable fibrosis, deep muscle pain and stiffness. Massage will provide an amazing sense of lightness and freedom of movement. Keeping muscles free-flowing and flexible through exercise and massage will help to reduce the risk of further injuries. We have been practising massage in Hatfield since the 1990s.
Sports massage and deep soft tissue massage in Hatfield
Sports massage therapy is a form of firm, soft tissue massage treatment. Sports massage therapists use several specific techniques to relax and improve the function of stiff muscles and joints. Patients involved in heavy physical activities, chronic working positions may be more vulnerable to injury because of the stresses placed on their body by exertion. Sports massage can relieve niggling aches and pains before they develop into more serious overuse injuries.
It can also be great for post-event relaxation and recovery and help to relieve stress, tension, and fatigue. Sports massage is generally used to provide rehabilitation from soft tissue injury, to maintain muscular conditioning and joint flexibility for the competition to maximise athletic potential. Also, it eases the effects caused by severe exercise such as myofascial shortening, i.e. restrictions in your body’s contractile (muscle) and non-contractile supportive (fascia) connective tissues. Therefore it can help keep your body flexible, aid your performance and assist you in rehabilitation from injuries. We are also pleased to provide sports, and deep soft tissue massage with a Welwyn and Hatfield Osteopath as this is often quite a unique experience as it combines neuro-release techniques and manipulation if requested.
Full Body Therapeutic Massage
A massage treatment designed to complement your other current treatment (e.g. Osteopathy, Physiotherapy, Acupuncture or Pilates) at the clinic. This treatment will be provided in conjunction with and following consultation between your clinical therapist and your massage therapist.
- Assists in the removal of waste products and help supply the tissues with essential nutrients to aid recovery.
- Provides an opportunity to advise on specific stretching, training and equipment to help improve performance.
- Massage in Hatfield increases blood flow so that tissues can help improve the recovery process.
Firm neuromuscular Massage
Our neuromuscular massage is also very popular. A firmer style of deeper, flowing massage works through muscles and along nerve pathways and fascia. The massage treatment working along gradually developing nerve tensions that intense training can bring. Reducing neural tension allowing nerve pathways to flow freely. Sports massage aids recovery, treat injuries, speed up recovery time and will help to alleviate any soreness. Deeper, styles of massage using more pressure and a combination of flowing deep tissue massage using arms as well as hands. Neuromuscular techniques also to increase mobility, reduce joint stiffness and relieve nerve or ” sciatica” type tensions.
Massage in Hatfield with an Osteopath or Physiotherapist
In response to requests from our patients, massage with our Physiotherapist and Osteopaths are included in our list of available treatments. This complements our other treatments and continues our tradition of providing patients with flexibility and choice.
Manual Lymph Drainage
Manual Lymph Drainage is an advanced form of massage that aims to stimulate the lymphatic system to remove congestion and stagnation from within the body and so help it return to a healthy condition. Dr Emil Vodder, who was able to show that many chronic conditions could be alleviated with lymphatic drainage and massage techniques, developed it in the 1930s.
A true therapist will be trained in a recognized method such as Vodder or Casley-Smith. The treatment will involve a consultation and a massage using gentle, rhythmic pumping techniques. Follow up advice on diet and other ways to stimulate the lymph may also be given.
Symptoms that are said to respond well to MLD are a weakened immune system, chronic congestion (sinus etc.), rheumatoid arthritis and the healing of wounds, burns and scars. MLD is also often incorporated into the treatment and control of Lymph-oedema.
Clinical & Remedial Medical Massage in Hatfield
Clinical and remedial massage is a form of Deep Tissue massage which can help remedy specific acute and chronic conditions such as frozen shoulder, neck pain, migraine and sciatica. This type of massage is more vigorous and uses various movement strokes to loosen your muscles. It helps break patterns of tension, relieves chronic pain, including inflammation-related pain such as tendonitis and frozen shoulder.
Shiatsu massage in Hatfield
Originating in Japan, Shiatsu is a form of massage that uses “finger pressure” applied to your main energy pathways, or meridians, within the body. This technique is similar to the practitioner using their fingers, thumbs, palms, elbows, knees (and sometimes even feet – they walk on you!), to put pressure on acupuncture healing points. In a similar fashion to Acupuncture, Shiatsu aims to correct energy imbalances by releasing energy blockages and moving energy into areas that are depleted. This unblocks the flow of energy and encourages blood and lymphatic flow. It also promotes relaxation and strengthens your body against disease and restores balance. Shiatsu has been used to treat a range of conditions including back, neck and shoulder pain, circulatory problems, digestive disorders, sinusitis, catarrh, asthma and bronchitis, migraine, headaches, chronic fatigue and stress-related problems such as anxiety and depression. Scientific research has suggested that pressure applied during treatments may encourage your body to release endorphins (natural painkillers). Some of our clients feel very relaxed and sleepy after a Shiatsu treatment, whilst others leave feeling invigorated and energised.
Classic (Swedish) Massage and Back / Shoulder Massage
A relaxation massage which aims to help the body to rid itself of accumulated toxins by incorporating deep tissue techniques to help stimulate the body’s circulatory and lymphatic systems and lighter techniques to encourage relaxation and soothe the nervous system.
Bowen Technique
Bowen Technique is a gentle and non-invasive holistic treatment that aims to restore balance to the body by using small, gentle moves to specific areas of the body. Because the therapy is so gentle, it is considered to be suitable for all ages. The precise, light movements are applied either directly on the skin or through light clothing to the muscles, tendons or ligaments. A delicate, cross-fibre movement is used to release tension and energetic blocks held in the muscles, allowing the body to re-balance itself naturally and therefore maximise the healing potential.
The technique was developed in Australia by Thomas A Bowen (1916-1982). Although he did not explain or document his theory of how the Bowen Technique worked, he did allow six apprentices to study his methods with him during his lifetime. Bowen continually developed his methods of treatment, and as the apprentices studied with him at different times of the evolution of his therapy, this resulted in a slightly different emphasis on the various methods by the students. Oswald Rentsch studied with Bowen for two and a half years and was commissioned by Bowen to teach the method to others. The Bowen Technique is now being taught and practised in Australia, North America, New Zealand, Europe and the United Kingdom.
The Treatment
A Bowen treatment usually takes place with the client lying on a couch or sitting in a chair. A practitioner uses his fingers and thumbs to ‘roll’ the muscles and connective tissue using gentle pressure at specific points. Many of the points used to correspond to the trigger points used in massage or the acupressure points. The movements assist blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, helping to clear toxins from the body. A session usually lasts from half an hour to an hour with frequent pauses between movements to allow the body time to assimilate changes. The client is left to rest at the end of the treatment for the same reason.
Symptoms that may respond well to the Bowen Technique include back pain, sciatica, neck and shoulder problems, sports injuries, migraines and headaches, menstrual problems, chronic fatigue and stress-related problems. Professional Hatfield Massage £47.00 per hour.