Cranial osteopathy and pregnancy

Cranial Osteopathy works with the body’s spinal, lymphatic and fluid pathways. Cranial aids the bodies self healing mechanisms by helping to re-balance fascial, spinal fluid and muscle resistance.  The bodies internal tissues move in a rhythmic and cyclical way. Most of these processes are automatic and described medically as the the autonomic nervous system.  Cranial  rhythm is subtle but can be palpated, perceived and felt; almost like the way a Medical Doctor can feel your  ‘pulse ‘ on your arm. The Cranial Osteopaths are trained at post graduate degree level. Cranial osteopaths use their highly trained sense of palpation to both diagnose and treat the more subtle aspects of the bodies tensions and fluid movements. In general its what the body does in the background that gives us our vibrancy and health. Cranial is brilliant for treating expectant mums, babies and children of all ages.

Cranial Osteopathy in Hatfield brilliant for Adults and children

Sam, ollie and Riley responded well to cranial osteopathy

Gentle treatments are particularly suitable for pregnant mums

Cranial Osteopathy is particularly suitable for pregnant mums, babies and small children as its both gentle and effective. Cranial is perfect for the treatment of  adults of all ages that are sensitive, have chronic illnesses or fatigue. Patients are often impressed in the way  light touch has such a profound effect on our bodily systems. Cranial Osteopathy works with the body’s spinal, lymphatic and fluid pathways, to aid your bodies self healing mechanisms. Treatment help to remove blockages and help relieve tensions which allow, blood and your energy to flow. Our bodies internal tissues move in a rhythmic and cyclical way, most of these processes are automatic or to put scientifically, your autonomic nervous system. This rhythm is subtle but can be palpated, perceived and felt, almost like the way a Dr can feel your  ‘pulse ‘ on your arm.

Many conditions respond well to cranial osteopathy

There are many conditions which may respond well to cranial osteopathy. Neck pain, sleeping problems, trapped nerves, fascia related pains and  tension headaches. Patients visit for minor sports injuries, fibromyalgia and some digestive problems. Cranial Osteopathy is particularly suitable for babies and small children. In part we think is due to their youthful energy which appears to speed their response and recovery. 

Gentle effective techniques

Cranial osteopathy at the Welwyn and Hatfield Practice, has its roots in classical osteopathy. Treatment helps to address imbalances in the bodies connective tissue systems. Cranial Osteopathy examines the relationship between the body’s “structure” and relates that to how its functioning at any point in time. Cranial Osteopaths employ effective techniques, use gentle hand and finger tip contact to diagnose and treat. Your Cranial Osteopath will palpate  disturbances in the bodies fascia (the glue that holds us all together), bones and soft tissues .  Gentle palpation helps the osteopath feel for distortions and restrictions in the way your body works. Then apply specific techniques to help re-balance the body.

Osteopaths train at a postgraduate level

Cranial works with  the more subtle aspects of our bodies functioning.  Osteopaths using the Cranial Technique are in essence Traditional Osteopaths with post degree level training in cranial osteopathy. Highly trained medical skills in differential diagnosis and clinical practice ensures they are safe. Osteopaths have a strong foundation in anatomy, physiology and have a medical understanding of how the body functions. Most Osteopaths train at a postgraduate level developing their practice over many years.

Cranial is particularly suitable for pregnant mums, babies and small children

Cranial Osteopathy is particularly suitable for babies and small children. Treatment may help them resolve many discomforts and problems that may occur from infancy or birth. Expectant Mothers often find Cranial osteopathy very relaxing. Its also very effective during pregnancy during times when bodies framework is changing quickly or under hormonal influences. During this stage fast moving physical re-adjustment (compensation) can create a great deal of discomfort. Patients are often surprised by the way  cranial osteopathy has such a profound effect on the way they feel. Cranial may help aches and pains settle quickly. Cranial Osteopathy can also be effective in the  treatment of chronic health conditions. Problems that just don’t respond to typical medication, medical approaches or Physiotherapy. Cranial  treatment focuses on improving your general circulation and reducing tissue tensions. Health is really about  allowing the body to work at its optimum and thats what cranial osteopathy balances. 


Cranial Osteopathy in Hatfield. Professional cranial osteopathy, adults, pregnancy, children and babies

Baby Maisie ‘ Cranial osteopathy at the Hatfield Practice has helped her colic’.

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