Migraine relief and acupuncture

Hatfield Headaches

Hatfield Practice headache and migraine clinic has over 30 years of experience treating pain and headaches. Helen Norman Acupuncturist works alongside our multidisciplinary team of physiotherapists and Osteopaths. Acupuncturists at the Practice specialise in using particularly gentle traditional Acupuncture techniques. New ideas and traditional values are an essential part of our Hatfield Acupuncture treatments. Traditional Acupuncture is an effective system of medicine that’s been around for thousands of years. We apply a modern twist.  

Study finds Acupuncture patients need less medication

Traditional Acupuncture may be “more effective than medication in the relief the pain of migraine”. Reveals a survey of 160 patients at the Woman’s Headache Centre in Turin. Dr Gianni Allais and colleagues found that women who received Acupuncture had fewer migraines during the first four months of treatment. The research focused on classical migraine, migraine with aura. Also, migraines when visual disturbances precede the piercing headache.

Experts who administered the Acupuncture treatment to a group of women who were suffering from migraine. After acupuncture patients found they had fewer migraine attacks. The study group needed less painkilling medication than those taking the drug flunarizine. which is typically one of the drugs prescribed for migraine

  The medical Journal of Headaches explained that the study had asked 80 women to have Acupuncture once a week for eight weeks. The other group of 80 women had a daily dose of flunarizine for the same periods. The drug was taken 20 times per month over the next four months. After the two months of medication, they then had Acupuncture once monthly for another five months—fine acupuncture needles placed in the same specific points during each treatment.

The trial patients experienced fewer headaches

Typically the acupuncture needles are left in position for 20 minutes ( Practitioners at the Hatfield Practice use around the same needling time). Amazingly both groups of women in the trial experienced fewer headaches overall. However, patients who used Acupuncture had fewer migraines than those taking flunarizine during the first five months of the study – an average of 2.3 attacks compared with 2.9 in the drug group. In review, Acupuncture appeared to reduce migraine pain and lower the need for the medication.

Acupuncture helping the eight million migraine sufferers in England

Quality research regarding acupuncture treatment could improve the eight million migraine sufferers in England. The migraine ( severe headaches ) affects 22 per cent of women and eight per cent of men globally. Acupuncture, a therapy which began in China more than 2,000 years ago, involves placing fine needles at specific points on the body’s surface. The needles are said to relax the nervous system around central pain pathways and promote the release of endorphins, the body’s natural feel-good chemicals.

Hatfield Headaches
Headaches in Hatfield

British Medical Association’s (BMA) “good evidence.”

In passing a  report from the British Medical Association’s (BMA) board of science review said there was ‘good evidence’ from clinical trials that Acupuncture relieved nausea – particularly after surgery – back pain and dental pain.



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