If you spend most of your time sitting at home or at work a good posture can seriously help long-term back/spine health. A good stance and posture also can reflect positive mental well-being. Here are some tips from our Osteopaths and Physiotherapists to help keep that back straight.
#1 Pull those shoulder blades back
It sounds straight-forward, but it can easily be forgotten. This position will allow the chest to push out, lengthen the neck and open the spine. Improving the shoulder girdle position will help avoid rounded shoulders and force the spine to remain straight for more extended periods.
#2 Invest in furniture and equipment that supports good posture
Seats, sofas, desks, and and screen placement can often contribute to the body’s position. Equipment such as lumbar pillow support can influence the spine to remain straight and pushes the lower back into sitting up directly every time; a rolled-up towel can often be a quick fix solution for this! Office chairs can often deteriorate over time – replacing them when possible after apparent signs of use is extremely important. Screen placement on a desk will set the level of sight for the eye. The body naturally reacts and can change shape to comfort eyesight, so it is essential to ensure the monitor is at the correct height to reduce the risk of slouching or neck stiffness.
#3 Don’t sit still for too long
The importance of frequent movement to stretch those legs and the remainder of the body should not be ignored. A way of overcoming this is by setting a reminder to get up every 30 minutes and refill your bottle of water; not only will this keep you hydrated and more alert, but it will also provide a prompt to maintain that posture in the correct form!
#4 Sleep in the correct position
Enjoying your sleep is vital as this helps to replenish your body. Health professionals suggest sleeping on your back, also known in yoga as the Savasana pose. This posture is excellent for the neck, back and spine as the body is stretched out and less likely to force the body into irregular shapes and bends while sleeping. Although we are all unique and, different positions suit different people.
Your mattress at home should be designed to support the spine, and sleeping on your back gets the most out of the mattress support. It is advised against sleeping on your stomach (even though it can be comfy!) as it flattens the spine’s natural curve. Perhaps alternate night to night if you find sleeping on the back difficult!
#5 Strengthen your central core
Yoga and Pilates are great ways to build core strength and good posture. Core exercises can often be completed within a 20 – 30 minute period. Even a little core exercise can set the stone for a good posture; they can help boost physical performance and natural energy levels.