Massage in Hatfield | Neuro Release – Deep muscle massage and rejuvenation

Osteopath - Safe in our hands

Physiotherapy, Osteopathy Massage Oils

Our Hatfield Massage treatments work deeply. Deep soft tissue  Neuro- release massage techniques use a combination of years of experience and up to the minute deep  soft tissue treatment that specifically looks to break up chronic muscle adhesions and scar tissue.  Muscle dysfunction may cause long term pain and aching. The deep muscle technique has been developed over time by Osteopath Ian Norman and Practitioners at the Welwyn and Hatfield practice and is a combination of Osteopathy and myo fascial massage.

Overtraining and repetition may lead to muscle fibrosis, stiffness and lack of proper function may  develop over time literally gluing the deep muscle and fascia (connective tissue that holds everything together) together. This dysfunction can hamper the flow of nerve pathways in the body leading to chronic muscle strains and “pulls” that can have a serious impact on lifestyle and busy training schedules.

Deep muscles over time may become shortened or fibrotic potentially increasing the risk of injury through lack of potential elasticity and blood and lymphatic flow. The shortening of deeper muscles such as multifidus and deep intrinsic muscles  can cause distortions  along the spine twisting ,rotating or restricting specific vertebrae. Again leading to loss of function, performance and often spinal joint pain.

Simply applying specific tension on a muscle one way and moving another muscle in the opposite direction we can easily address scar tissue and adhesions and restore full joint range of movement in minimal time.

Active Release Technique is not only used for injuries but can also be used in injury prevention and indeed pre competition and perfromance enhancement manual therapy.

Call the Hatfield Practice, 6 ground Lane, Hatfield  for further info or to book an appointment call reception 01707 888228

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