Faraway tree Pathways to persistence Revisit bitter recycle moments Hold unfulfilled dreams like hurts All my spirit does is collapse Unaware of journeys endlessness Hopeful life will redress flow Fruitlessness of constant reposition What was one, my closest friend Bastard hold and stare deliverance Lords prayer counting days to hell Promise roses and deliver thorns Talk of angels and being unborn Just Fairytale promises and unicorns Pathway to existence be reborn Like footsteps in the midnight snow Revisit always troubled yesterday The fire the light. It burns leaves tonight seems dark I feel deceived Pathways blocked I'm on my knees Pray the demon satisfied it's needs For me my stone heart never bleeds (c) Normskiii 2011

Acupuncture Can Boost Your Immune system
Acupuncture Helps Keep the Body’s Defences Strong. Scientific research has revealed that Acupuncture can help regulate and support our immune