Wherever we are, whoever we are with, one of the most important questions is How to be free? I am talking primarily about inner freedom, the feeling of being spontaneous, happy and alive. What is the catalyst for these feelings? How do we sustain them so we can have good relationships, better health, and an enlightened, free spirited life?
I have uncovered ten simple pointers from the depth of my heart. They have helped me so much as well as others who I have coached.
Each one is a life lesson, a practice to hold in your heart and make your own in your own way. As such, these are pointers towards your Inner Knowing. Some are poetic and metaphorical, others are direct and practical. But they are all fairly simple.
I suggest you read them slowly, sit with them, and connect with them quietly. These are the kind of practices which can shine a light on an inner strength and happiness you have known all along, but may have overlooked….Being Present
Wait no more.
The next email you write, the next comment you post, the next sound you utter, can signal others to appreciate their beauty, strength, and marvelous nature.
In the same way that your breath is unobstructed, so too is positive energy.
…And what if you feel you cannot help others now? Then open your heart to receive….