This is a simply brilliant way to manifest love, friends, energy or just bringing someone closer or clearing someone from your mind ( soul space )
Close your eyes try to go behind your eyes. Next imagine you are in your own deep space you feel safe and happy. Imagine that everyone you know or have ever known are there in giant happy light bubbles ! These are attached to you by light cords of different thicknesses.
Stay with me…. !!
some of your connections are close …..
some are further away … This probably depends on how much we think and feel about them and how strong our emotional or love connections are.
Now if you want someone to come emotionally closer, first visualise your heart imagine that you can give them some heart love to the person inside the light bubble. Then pull them closer to you using the light cord that attaches them to your soul.
If you want them to be emotionally distanced give then a piece of your heart energy, then gently release out more of your soul connection cord that’s attached to their bubble. With love let them go further out into space it will only work if you do it with love. The distance is really up to you…
If you wish to disconnect from them completely either due their actions or the pain they are bringing to you right now. Repeat the process give love your heart and tell them that you love them but don’t want to be connected right now. Wish them well with grace. Then cut the light cord gently and watch them float off into space happy and with your love and best wishes!!!
They may want to re connect . So you may have to repeat this release technique a few times. The technique gives you soul space and helps you to re energise , think clearly and re balance emotional space and of course your boundaries ! This is an incredibly powerful manifesting or releasing technique. Take a little time and don’t worry if you cant do this clearly first. Most of these techniques develop over time in effectiveness.
Take it easy
The Welwyn and Hatfield Practice.