“Our ability to refer between our specialists has lifted us above the usual single therapy clinics”.
Our unique selling point is “if your condition is complex” we are able on the same day or during your treatment session involve other specialist practitioners with your treatment plan. This will get you better fast. Our physiotherapists, Osteopaths and acupuncturists work as a team and are encouraged and trained to use our triage system .We want you feeling better fast, to have a good working diagnosis ( i:e what the problem is and that you understand it ). Also that you have an idea of how long it may take before you see an improvements and most importantly a good understanding of why the problem happened in the first place . This is always backed up with good quality educational advice so that the injury/condition is not repeated over and over again as many are.
Physiotherapy is great for rehabilitation, whiplash, repetitive strains, muscle imbalance, workstation assessments, exercise and core muscle stability advice.
Osteopathy is simply brilliant for loosening and improving spinal function and chronic muscle tensions caused by hours on the computer or by not stretching and poor diet etc.These chronic tensions lead to fibrotic muscle states that literally strangle our bodies like ivy on a tree limit limiting joint range. These changes eventually cause osteoarthritis “wear and tear” in part due to poor range of movement and eventually softening cartilage .
Our osteopathy is not just cracks our practitioners use a specific deep “neuro – muscular massage” which massively improves blood flow, nerve elasticity and joint range of movement improving and physical flexibility, function and eased emotional patterns often “held” in our bodies
Acupuncture is simply brilliant for acute pain relief systemic problems like high blood pressure, “stress origin” conditions like fatigue also nerve pain, Rsi, shingles, Irritable bowls and infertility are just a few examples and really just the tip of the option iceberg.
What about medication from the, isn’t it cheaper and proven?
Pain killers are a brilliant short term option, clear directions on the box on how to take the pills and of course a sheet with the side effects. They don’t cure the condition they “manage” the pain.
We are not againised medication but just aware that some drugs used by people daily can in some cases cause mental confusion, poor performance ( at work or driving! ) , gastro – intestinal inflammation etc. Many have been withdrawn by drug companies quietly recently due to the adverse effects on our heart muscles.
Most pharmacological products are clinically tested on people in isolation whereas many are taken by patients together with other meds. Long term effects of pain killers are well documented. Combined with poor lifestyle habits painkillers may not be the best option long term. Most importantly they don’t educate the people in fact they are often addictive and may well encourage people into more serious problems by masking their condition.
Our treatments and “triage” methods are specifically for you they are tailor made for you alone. That is why are often only available at ”last resort” NHS Pain Clinics where all conventional methods have failed. Our aim is to make complementary health care affordable for everyone.
“Our success in treating difficult conditions is one of the characteristics that defines us”
The Welwyn & Hatfield Practice
The Welwyn & Hatfield Practice is one of Hertfordshire’s leading complementary therapy practices.
We have more than 30 years experience in pain management, rehabilitation and patient centered care.
Our main aim is that your treatment experience is second to none.
We Provide Physiotherapy, Osteopathy, Traditional Chinese Acupuncture, Tcm. Acupuncture ( specialist in problems related to infertility ), Specialised Holistic therapies, Massage, Sports Therapy .
Our main aim is that your treatment experience is second to none.
We Provide Physiotherapy, Osteopathy, Traditional Chinese Acupuncture, Tcm. Acupuncture ( specialist in problems related to infertility ), Specialised Holistic therapies, Massage, Sports Therapy .
We Provide Physiotherapy, Osteopathy, Traditional Chinese Acupuncture, Tcm. Acupuncture ( specialist in problems related to infertility ), Specialised Holistic therapies, Massage, Sports Therapy .
We Provide Physiotherapy, Osteopathy, Traditional Chinese Acupuncture, Tcm. Acupuncture ( specialist in problems related to infertility ), Specialised Holistic therapies, Massage, Sports Therapy .
Every patient is individually assessed , treated , advised and educated …
6 Ground Lane, Hatfield.Hertfordshire. AL10 0HH
Tel : 01707 888 229 0r Mobile 0780 339 29 03
We’re getting you better all the time………