Acupuncture Helping to Restore Health and Balance
Helen Taylor – Weekes has been involved in TCM acupuncture, infertility, IVF, male fertility and pregnancy now for over 22 years, as an acupuncturist, healthcare advisor, teacher, consultant and mother working in the NHS and in private clinics around the southeast.We are lucky enough to have Helen working in The Welwyn & Hatfield Practice
Over the years many couples have come to Helen for advice on how to get into into optimum shape – Emotionally, physiologically, nutritionally and biomechanically for all the vital stages of childbirth from pre-conception to conception, to pregnancy and the months immediately after birth.
As this science progresses more and more evidence points to the fact that the right combination of diet, exercise, lifestyle changes and natural therapies can make not only to our chances of a happy and healthy pregnancy but to our unborn baby’s health and all-round potential too. Helen is acknowledged as one of the southeasts leading experts.
Helen specialises in using particularly gentle techniques in both fertility and musculoskeletal pain. After more than 20 years in practice she is still completely committed to the holistic and natural approach to health which emphasise the concept of unity both within and without every individual. She is also equally committed to the reality of a natural healing power within all of us which, when correctly applied, acupuncture and osteopathy can utilise so well to encourage health and well.
Helen has trained with Jane Lyttleton who is one of the worlds leading lights in combining Acupuncture with western medicine and IVF procedures….she has also trained with Zita West who is our own UK based fertility guru!!!
Underlying conditions such as Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome , Endometriosis, irregular cycles can also be treated with acupuncture. It’s also good for relieving stress (which isn’t good for fertility) as well as balancing female hormones ( hormonal imbalance is a frequent contributor to fertility problems ) and boosting the flow of energy to the reproductive organs. Guys it can help with male fertility issues too.
Personally developed by Helen Taylor – Weekes, all the Clinic’s acupuncture are integrated with traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). all the Clinic’s practitioners are trained in her techniques.
The cost of a session can be found by clicking on “Fees” from the menu bar.